I'm here my dears.
I know it doesn't seem to be like that but I'm always here taking care of my deep, philosophical, sometimes silly, anyway funny blog. Anything bad to say about about it? I hope not so but if someone has, speak right after reading or shut up forever. This WAS the independent republic of my life, you remember? Now it is the independent dictatorship of my life..hehe :)
I was scrolling back to my previous posts and I 'm getting aware that I have never actually written about my real life here. I mean, I ve never told you about my habits, my "daily routine", my activities, my clubbing, my life. I just keep on filling in pages and pages with thoughts and reflections forgetting to tell about what 's going on in the Ducth lands.That is likely the question that most of my readers wanna ask me.. what the fuck are you doing over there?
Well,let's start from my job..let's call it job. It makes me look almost important. :) Well, I have my own office here, I ve got my collegues and my boss. I ve got my assignement and ufortunately also my deadlines. Officially working on my project thesis, I 'm now analysing the dutch energy market and its main sources (oil and natural gas) to start afterwards to introduce the reasons why the hydrogen (perhaps the real alternative for the future) is still still finding so many hurdles on his way to the market. Is it only a techology and infrastucture problem? Or are the institutions stacking the deck to prevent a quicker developement of the new
sources? I m trying to figure it out and to show the world they really are.With the evidences in my hands. I'm gonna catch you motherfuckers! hehe :) I'm like a secret agent of the English Royal Crown investigating on this dirty case..my name is Mossini, Luca Mossini. It doesn 't sound like the original I know...:(
Let's say that as far as I ve found out so far a lot of decisions made in the past are defintely and strongly affecting the present choices. This phenomenon is called "lock-in effect". It s like as you yesterday bought a pair of shoes for 350€ and now they made your feet stink like shit. You cannot simply throw them away and buy a new pair, because you decided to invest your money in those shoes. You cannot simply loose your money. You gotta put up with the smell even when you see a new brilliant pair probably far better. You got "locked in". And if you wanna change you gotta face the so called "switching costs". A big stack of money sometimes.
Make sense? I hope so. Anyway I don't wanna bother you with such a boring explanation.
Let's talk about my life: here is all wonderful guys. Some people read my blog and told me that I'm too optimistic. Someone even told me it seems to be unreal for how much optimism they see in it. I use to answer: I'm not stupid. I don't live in a stupid commercial. I know the world is not always about smiling and having fun. It 's not all fine and easy. But why should I present to you my troubles and my "dark side" when I ve got so many shining sides to talk about and to be proud of? Huh?
I ve got a lot of friends here. It's incredible when I think that I firstly came here a bit frightened cause I was the only one getting here at the end of Sept whereas the "rest of the world" had been already abroad for one month. Such silly worries...
There is only one big trouble I see here. As far as I ve seen people from a country tend always to settle down with their "bros". There's nothing wrong. I mean, it's quite natural. But I personally don't like sticking too much to a group. What I can see in the club we have here,"De Ruif" ,is kind of imaginary walls among the groups: the Spanish corner, the Italian, the Dutch, the Greek one and so on. They don't properly communicate each other. Finally everyone always comes back "home" with his own bros. I don't wanna be misunderstood. I love staying
with my Italian friends. I ve just had an amazing evening and I will definitely hang out with 'em again, but I also like widening my boundaries and well out of this abroad experience. Are we in Holland or not? So let's be flexible! Ok...my lesson is over..hehe:)
Here we have such a lot of amazing parties in student residences in Italy we can only imagine: (come cantava Jovanotti "un monolocale che diventerà un castello"..ve la ricordate?? daiii.."affacciati alla finestra amore mio" Ah..a proposito sapete che trovano strane affinità tra la mia faccia e quella di Lorenzo Cherubini??...Mah...) kitchen turning out to be club rooms with DJs and bars and barmans and also people working as waiters picking up glasses and bottles. "Amazing", as my cute friend Antieh would say. Obviously lasting till 5-6 o'clock. Sometimes the police or some desperate neighbours try to kick us out but we stay as late as possible. Always. The show must go on. Dear Freddy, I would add..."in Erasmus especially" hehe:)
Our spirit is being blessed by Erasmus. The Erasmus's soul is among us. I can feel it. I can almost touch it. Probably because it 's not only the meaning it has got during the years but also because he really lived 10 km far from here...maybe HE is watching me. Surely he is a bit envious now. hehe :) And with that bored face if I offered him a beer he wouldn't reject it at all.
All here guys is so fucking...quick. All is so fucking fast.
The speed of light maybe is unreachable but sure we get at the speed of sound.It's so hard to explain to someone who doesn't live it. Here you can feel the clock always beating. You can feel the time running away and that feeling forces you to live in a double, triple, ...8times faster life. 8x-life. Like my DVD reader. Again and again. All the time. Fortunately my voice is still the same..not that kind of shrill voice when you speed up the the tracks. hehe :)
Especially the emotions are 8x amplified. Maybe even more. I'm living in an emotional bubble. I m always discovering something new and I never get bored of anything. I'm always "hungry". My bread is called People, my soup is called Growth, my cheese is called Curiosity. The greek ancient philosopher Plato said "The very peculiar feature that makes man different from all the other creatures is the power of curiosity and the ability of feeling marveled" . Holy words bro. Holy words.
Finally I always get to talk about the sense of life, right? Yes, I know. But it's my own nature. I'm an hopeless case. Only Doc.House could save me. hehe:)
Some people I talked to argued that this is the kind of world we should try to live in all the rest of our lives: I say. Ok that's true. But are you really sure that after coming back we will be able to re-create emotions like these ones in our home towns? Or are we all fearing that this world is gonna end with our coming back? Is it real adrenaline the one we are creating here to speed up our lives now?
Or are we only hurrying up because we "see" the deadline getting closer? Why do we feel so fucking Supermen here and why do we feel so fucking Clark Kent-s when we are at home?
Will we be able to transmit our enthusiasm to the people around us who have never been abroad? Will we be able to find our dimension or will we need to get out again and again to feel good as much as now, as much as here. Will we need our dose like poor junkies?
Are we going that fast to take off eventually or are we risking to crash right after the tarmac?
I'm not totally clueless. I've been thinking over it quite for a while.
But today I'm not gonna write answers. At least not to those questions herebefore.
For 2 reasons: I don't have definitive answer for me either.
And everyone has got his ones, so I don't wanna my thoughts to affect yours. Make sense? I hope so.
The night is running out. As usual. And my alarm is already fixed. As usual. Ordinary Life? Yes a little bite here as well. But always 8x...
See ya guys. Stay tuned.
I know it doesn't seem to be like that but I'm always here taking care of my deep, philosophical, sometimes silly, anyway funny blog. Anything bad to say about about it? I hope not so but if someone has, speak right after reading or shut up forever. This WAS the independent republic of my life, you remember? Now it is the independent dictatorship of my life..hehe :)
I was scrolling back to my previous posts and I 'm getting aware that I have never actually written about my real life here. I mean, I ve never told you about my habits, my "daily routine", my activities, my clubbing, my life. I just keep on filling in pages and pages with thoughts and reflections forgetting to tell about what 's going on in the Ducth lands.That is likely the question that most of my readers wanna ask me.. what the fuck are you doing over there?
Well,let's start from my job..let's call it job. It makes me look almost important. :) Well, I have my own office here, I ve got my collegues and my boss. I ve got my assignement and ufortunately also my deadlines. Officially working on my project thesis, I 'm now analysing the dutch energy market and its main sources (oil and natural gas) to start afterwards to introduce the reasons why the hydrogen (perhaps the real alternative for the future) is still still finding so many hurdles on his way to the market. Is it only a techology and infrastucture problem? Or are the institutions stacking the deck to prevent a quicker developement of the new

Let's say that as far as I ve found out so far a lot of decisions made in the past are defintely and strongly affecting the present choices. This phenomenon is called "lock-in effect". It s like as you yesterday bought a pair of shoes for 350€ and now they made your feet stink like shit. You cannot simply throw them away and buy a new pair, because you decided to invest your money in those shoes. You cannot simply loose your money. You gotta put up with the smell even when you see a new brilliant pair probably far better. You got "locked in". And if you wanna change you gotta face the so called "switching costs". A big stack of money sometimes.

Make sense? I hope so. Anyway I don't wanna bother you with such a boring explanation.
Let's talk about my life: here is all wonderful guys. Some people read my blog and told me that I'm too optimistic. Someone even told me it seems to be unreal for how much optimism they see in it. I use to answer: I'm not stupid. I don't live in a stupid commercial. I know the world is not always about smiling and having fun. It 's not all fine and easy. But why should I present to you my troubles and my "dark side" when I ve got so many shining sides to talk about and to be proud of? Huh?
I ve got a lot of friends here. It's incredible when I think that I firstly came here a bit frightened cause I was the only one getting here at the end of Sept whereas the "rest of the world" had been already abroad for one month. Such silly worries...
There is only one big trouble I see here. As far as I ve seen people from a country tend always to settle down with their "bros". There's nothing wrong. I mean, it's quite natural. But I personally don't like sticking too much to a group. What I can see in the club we have here,"De Ruif" ,is kind of imaginary walls among the groups: the Spanish corner, the Italian, the Dutch, the Greek one and so on. They don't properly communicate each other. Finally everyone always comes back "home" with his own bros. I don't wanna be misunderstood. I love staying
Here we have such a lot of amazing parties in student residences in Italy we can only imagine: (come cantava Jovanotti "un monolocale che diventerà un castello"..ve la ricordate?? daiii.."affacciati alla finestra amore mio" Ah..a proposito sapete che trovano strane affinità tra la mia faccia e quella di Lorenzo Cherubini??...Mah...) kitchen turning out to be club rooms with DJs and bars and barmans and also people working as waiters picking up glasses and bottles. "Amazing", as my cute friend Antieh would say. Obviously lasting till 5-6 o'clock. Sometimes the police or some desperate neighbours try to kick us out but we stay as late as possible. Always. The show must go on. Dear Freddy, I would add..."in Erasmus especially" hehe:)

All here guys is so fucking...quick. All is so fucking fast.
The speed of light maybe is unreachable but sure we get at the speed of sound.It's so hard to explain to someone who doesn't live it. Here you can feel the clock always beating. You can feel the time running away and that feeling forces you to live in a double, triple, ...8times faster life. 8x-life. Like my DVD reader. Again and again. All the time. Fortunately my voice is still the same..not that kind of shrill voice when you speed up the the tracks. hehe :)
Especially the emotions are 8x amplified. Maybe even more. I'm living in an emotional bubble. I m always discovering something new and I never get bored of anything. I'm always "hungry". My bread is called People, my soup is called Growth, my cheese is called Curiosity. The greek ancient philosopher Plato said "The very peculiar feature that makes man different from all the other creatures is the power of curiosity and the ability of feeling marveled" . Holy words bro. Holy words.
Finally I always get to talk about the sense of life, right? Yes, I know. But it's my own nature. I'm an hopeless case. Only Doc.House could save me. hehe:)
Some people I talked to argued that this is the kind of world we should try to live in all the rest of our lives: I say. Ok that's true. But are you really sure that after coming back we will be able to re-create emotions like these ones in our home towns? Or are we all fearing that this world is gonna end with our coming back? Is it real adrenaline the one we are creating here to speed up our lives now?

Will we be able to transmit our enthusiasm to the people around us who have never been abroad? Will we be able to find our dimension or will we need to get out again and again to feel good as much as now, as much as here. Will we need our dose like poor junkies?
Are we going that fast to take off eventually or are we risking to crash right after the tarmac?
I'm not totally clueless. I've been thinking over it quite for a while.
But today I'm not gonna write answers. At least not to those questions herebefore.
For 2 reasons: I don't have definitive answer for me either.
And everyone has got his ones, so I don't wanna my thoughts to affect yours. Make sense? I hope so.
The night is running out. As usual. And my alarm is already fixed. As usual. Ordinary Life? Yes a little bite here as well. But always 8x...
See ya guys. Stay tuned.
6 commenti:
Dear Luca and dear readers of this "very delicious" blog... while you are singing in playback are making gestures to me, and I'm laughing a lot... I decide to say some words here! Please don't shut up your tricky "philosophical" language... It's not fair to say with direct words what's going on here! I know because I'm here, although in UNESCO-IHE the life goes on not in 8x but in 4x. However, I'll try to catch yuor train when you're going to Leiden... See you!!
Your name is Mos.
Luke Mos.
Now I guess it sounds better! :-)
Anyway I can understand you very well when you say the story about the Italian corner, the Spanish one and so on. That's why in England I wanted to stay most of the time with English people. And that's why in Australia I've properly met Italians only after two months, when I needed a friendly hand to overtake my problems.
And... man... check some double words! :P
Ps:formally I AM at the ERASMUS Uni in Rotterdam! Haha!
Mah..è una questione pesa.. credo che tutto dipenda da ognuno, da come ciascuno vive le proprie cose, voglio dire..la capacità di metabolizzare un certo modo di essere e di farlo durare anche oltre la fine di quell'esperienza esaltante che l'ha innescato.
Parlo perchè anch'io ho avuto belle esperienze lontano da casa, ma in realtà non ho idea di come gli altri le vivano.
Al max, ti posso dire che io, di queste emozioni non faccio consumo sostenibile: mi abbuffo, mi godo il momento, salgo alle stelle ma poi riscendo alle stalle. Non riesco a far durare il gasamento oltre la fine di quel momento. La mia vita è finora costituita da molti frammenti di vite diverse che ho avuto la fortuna/sfortuna di vivere (i famosi post-it), e che stanno insieme alla cazzo di cane. Il mio spirito, invece, è sì arricchito dall'espereinza di ogni frammento, tutti insieme, non perde nulla per strada e fa sì che io sia come sono. Ma il mio umore non lo segue, va su e giù come la vita, e se ne frega se il mio spirito è positivo, o ricco.
La vita è bella, poi fa schifo, poi è piatta, poi non ti dà respiro, poi è una merda, poi è meravigliosa.
Io vivo così. Genio e sregolatezza.
Sregolatezza, più che altro.
un consiglio spassionato..prendi tutto,incolla, etichetta, salva e risalva, scrivi e riscrivi, corda e ricorda.. così quando sarai in crisi di astinenza la troverai più in fretta..la tua droga.. la vita, che a volte si sostenta coi ricordi..perché distillata è difficile da trovare..
non è sfoggio di cinismo, solo naturale, adattiva, voglia di vivere.................
w l'erasmus
un bacetto e ricorda che ogni volta che hai dubbi o consigli da chiedere io sono qua...i was born to make you happy...
cara martina ma raf ha detto che sposava prima me!! ci scambiamo le figurine? forse ho quella del mos.. tu mi dai quella di raf? in ogni caso ho sempre pensato che fare la seconda moglie non è poi così male...
se cucini anche per me è fatta..qua la mano..
girl power always!!
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