The number of times you've actually been is not important, what I'm talking about is our experiences , our life, and the feelings connected with those experiences.
Anyway..I guess the number is pretty high, isn't it? Yeah. I don't even try to guess. I do know. For me, for you, for anyone having a normal and healthy social life.
Have you got? I think so. So I say ok, my post is gonna be interesting for you but maybe you already know everything. However, I 'm definitely interested in knowing what you think about that. So go on please and give me your feedback. I'm like Uncle Sam. I want you.
I'm sure you all have a great experience in staying into social environments, maybe more than me. And it's normal, it's natural. "It's my life" as sang John Bon Jovi.
Now.what's the news?
Have you ever thought about WHY you go to a public gathering? or you like staying with people and you like learning languages you like doing "social" activities...there are thousands of examples but it's enough. You understand me.
So what? Have you ever wondered why? Well ..I personally did. I'm still doing many times.
Mr Maslow, one of the greatest expert of human interaction created his famous and famous and famous Pyramid, in the attempt of describing the human needs. Take a look if you wanna know more.
I personally agree with Maslow. I think he was a genius.
And I especially agree with him when he says that our human needs are basically growing from the base of the pyramid to the top and that's the order we follow in satisfying them. I mean, let's focus on the safety/security and social needs: how many times have you entered a club and felt like "I'd like to talk to anyone and be in the core of the social life around here but I don't really know how to and I'm also a bit frightened by all these unknown people, what can I do?" .
It's just beacuse we want to satisfy are need for social interaction but we implicitly dont' wanna loose the control of our need for security. Jim Morrison said "People are strange when you're a stranger, faces are ugly when you 're alone". He was so right.
You see the point? When we go and talk to unknown people we always feel a sense of insecurity,because we are never sure about the reaction of the people around us we don't know yet. They, on the other hand, are not bad or really "strange", they only want to be as sure and safe as us while we start to talk to them, they want to feel we're not a threatening presence. Make sense?
I mean, it's all natural. It's a healthy mechanism (don't worry...;) ) , it's a fear structured in our mind which is useful because it gives us the awareness that we must protect ourselves even though in most of the cases it's just a curtain which blocks the sun rays coming in from the window during a sunny day..
I LOVE the very moment when you feel the equilibrium between these two needs: I love seeking the thrill between my sense of comfort when I am alone and the happiness of having won this little fear.
I personally call it - The thin and attractive line between "nothing happened" and "anything is possible" -
Try to imagine you in front of a beautiful girl you've just met. You talk to her, you find her very attractive, you can feel the energy, 'cause you ve got so much life running through your veins.. (thank you Robbie)
You get the point you realise she 's attracted to you. You see the pleasure you could have with her but you are not sure at all to make the very first step and to get out from your comfort zone..your little and golden garden where nothing can hurt you. Don't you feel the thrill?...
That's the line I'm talking about. The line between nothing happened and anything is possible.
Because when you cross the line you can see the world up side down, you feel totally amazed, you feel that the moment is taking your breath away, you really feel that anything in this world is possible. That concept is very wide and can be appliable to a lot of contexts. Think it over.
I personally love those instants..I personally love those lines..I personally love those thrills..
Because this stuff make me feel like I'm truly, madly, deeply LIVING my life. This stuff is my own personal drug, and I am my own personal pusher bros.
But pay attention. Getting hold of that drug is hard. It's always hard and I'm not pretty sure I can have my dose WHENEVER I want to. I'm trying but I'm not sure at all.
There's a beautiful metaphor I use to tell my friends and some of you will already know it : when you feel you are living a moment next to that "line",and you feel a bit anxious beacuse you are frightened by something could happen, try to think of you next to a swimming pool.
I mean, you are ready, you ve got your swimsuit and you want to have fun. But you personally don't like COLD WATER right? hehe...I think you got it. Can you just jump in and forget it' s cold? Can you really do that?
You know perfectly that it's nothing to worry about and it's not the end of the world but almost never you just give the fuck and jump in. That's right. I understand.
But how much funnier would be just doing that without feeling scared or uncomfortable? Because when you jump in and you come are already wet! you are acclimatized! So after that point, after the "line" you can only care about having fun jumping in again and again enjoying the water. True?
I mean, I love the frightening thrill ONLY because that is what gives me the sensations of real, deep intensity when I overcome it. It's amazing. I hope you're feeling it like me.
So guys. I don't wanna teach anything to anyone. I think I'm not good enough yet to do that. I'm just trying to change my way of thinking and acting a little bit. Little by little. Anyway, we are here. We are living our Erasmus period, for sure the best time of our lives. So let's be open, let's jump into that pool, let's cross that line. It's always so fucking adrenalinic. I know you already know. But somestimes it's good to be reminded, isn't it?
See ya guys. Stay tuned.
Have you got? I think so. So I say ok, my post is gonna be interesting for you but maybe you already know everything. However, I 'm definitely interested in knowing what you think about that. So go on please and give me your feedback. I'm like Uncle Sam. I want you.
I'm sure you all have a great experience in staying into social environments, maybe more than me. And it's normal, it's natural. "It's my life" as sang John Bon Jovi.
Now.what's the news?
Have you ever thought about WHY you go to a public gathering? or you like staying with people and you like learning languages you like doing "social" activities...there are thousands of examples but it's enough. You understand me.
So what? Have you ever wondered why? Well ..I personally did. I'm still doing many times.
Mr Maslow, one of the greatest expert of human interaction created his famous and famous and famous Pyramid, in the attempt of describing the human needs. Take a look if you wanna know more.

And I especially agree with him when he says that our human needs are basically growing from the base of the pyramid to the top and that's the order we follow in satisfying them. I mean, let's focus on the safety/security and social needs: how many times have you entered a club and felt like "I'd like to talk to anyone and be in the core of the social life around here but I don't really know how to and I'm also a bit frightened by all these unknown people, what can I do?" .
It's just beacuse we want to satisfy are need for social interaction but we implicitly dont' wanna loose the control of our need for security. Jim Morrison said "People are strange when you're a stranger, faces are ugly when you 're alone". He was so right.
You see the point? When we go and talk to unknown people we always feel a sense of insecurity,because we are never sure about the reaction of the people around us we don't know yet. They, on the other hand, are not bad or really "strange", they only want to be as sure and safe as us while we start to talk to them, they want to feel we're not a threatening presence. Make sense?
I mean, it's all natural. It's a healthy mechanism (don't worry...;) ) , it's a fear structured in our mind which is useful because it gives us the awareness that we must protect ourselves even though in most of the cases it's just a curtain which blocks the sun rays coming in from the window during a sunny day..
I LOVE the very moment when you feel the equilibrium between these two needs: I love seeking the thrill between my sense of comfort when I am alone and the happiness of having won this little fear.
I personally call it - The thin and attractive line between "nothing happened" and "anything is possible" -
Try to imagine you in front of a beautiful girl you've just met. You talk to her, you find her very attractive, you can feel the energy, 'cause you ve got so much life running through your veins.. (thank you Robbie)
You get the point you realise she 's attracted to you. You see the pleasure you could have with her but you are not sure at all to make the very first step and to get out from your comfort zone..your little and golden garden where nothing can hurt you. Don't you feel the thrill?...
That's the line I'm talking about. The line between nothing happened and anything is possible.
Because when you cross the line you can see the world up side down, you feel totally amazed, you feel that the moment is taking your breath away, you really feel that anything in this world is possible. That concept is very wide and can be appliable to a lot of contexts. Think it over.
I personally love those instants..I personally love those lines..I personally love those thrills..
Because this stuff make me feel like I'm truly, madly, deeply LIVING my life. This stuff is my own personal drug, and I am my own personal pusher bros.
But pay attention. Getting hold of that drug is hard. It's always hard and I'm not pretty sure I can have my dose WHENEVER I want to. I'm trying but I'm not sure at all.
There's a beautiful metaphor I use to tell my friends and some of you will already know it : when you feel you are living a moment next to that "line",and you feel a bit anxious beacuse you are frightened by something could happen, try to think of you next to a swimming pool.
I mean, you are ready, you ve got your swimsuit and you want to have fun. But you personally don't like COLD WATER right? hehe...I think you got it. Can you just jump in and forget it' s cold? Can you really do that?
You know perfectly that it's nothing to worry about and it's not the end of the world but almost never you just give the fuck and jump in. That's right. I understand.

But how much funnier would be just doing that without feeling scared or uncomfortable? Because when you jump in and you come are already wet! you are acclimatized! So after that point, after the "line" you can only care about having fun jumping in again and again enjoying the water. True?
I mean, I love the frightening thrill ONLY because that is what gives me the sensations of real, deep intensity when I overcome it. It's amazing. I hope you're feeling it like me.
So guys. I don't wanna teach anything to anyone. I think I'm not good enough yet to do that. I'm just trying to change my way of thinking and acting a little bit. Little by little. Anyway, we are here. We are living our Erasmus period, for sure the best time of our lives. So let's be open, let's jump into that pool, let's cross that line. It's always so fucking adrenalinic. I know you already know. But somestimes it's good to be reminded, isn't it?
See ya guys. Stay tuned.
7 commenti:
Oh yes! Although, Surely, most people will think: ‘this is all very nice and true, but go and tell the POOR guy (person), shivering in front of one of those freezing lines of yours’. ‘Maybe if they ALL went in first and warmed it up a little…’ Well, he just fucking did! All right? Jump, for God’s sake!
Thanks for posting your good experiences. You’ll sure be a magnet to people if you keep believing those things and living la vida, Luca.
Concordo, anche se io, da pigro quale sono, a volte mi trattengo un pò troppo dal varcare questa soglia di cui parli.
Ma il tuo discorso comunque l'ho capito, e sicuramente rispecchia bene te ed il tuo cambiamento interiore di quest'ultimo anno.
Certo che però..mi citi i Savage Garden (ma perchè?!?!?) e non un Johnny Cash che in questo post sarebbe stato molto..citabile con la sua mitica "I walked the line"!
Devi rimediare..Cit.
Ce ne sarebbe da versare qua di inchiostro - metaforicamente parlando, chè oggidì è tutto digitalizzato.
Ma non lo farò.
Non qui; non oggi.
Sì insomma mi tira il culo, quindi vi è andata bene; o voi che leggete in rime sparse(?)i versi (cit.).
I just wanna say that I completely agree with Luca.
Once you've tried "the thrill" (goddamn, I love this word) you just start getting addicted to it.
In this sense, attendig the Erasmus can be really helpful in changing your frame.
That's why I think that Erasmus should be compulsory or, at least, easy to get.
Raf (Sigi, Jouf, ecc)
ps: L'assenza più pesante fra le (cit) cmq sono i Finley hehehe.
I'm amazed! I love what you wrote and I love the way you wrote it!
Man I'm so impressed by your English... well done !
What you say is absolutely true... the point is that the damned line is sometimes easier and sometimes harder to pass (well, you can always cheat drinking some beers eheh), and this is the side I don't like of the whole story.
Anyway I am so happy that a friend of mine managed to follow me and many others in the Erasmus experience... especially reading that you are really getting the best you can from it! Go on Mos!!!
Top class English man. Truely Impressive! Well, I don't know much about this thin-line - I've experienced it - sure, but for me, it's not quite the drug I seek. It's not the thing I crave. It's not for the sake of getting close to the 'thin-line' that I attend social events. Unfortunately I can't put my finger on the reason that social interaction is so satisfying, and truely needed. To back this statement up we need only look at the exponential boom in communication industries over the last decade or two. Well, what's the point of all this meaningless chatter? I don't know exactly, but I think it's trying to understand ourselves and life and everything in between. And for that, I think the Brent-mister general sums it up well in his hit-series comedy classc 'The Office' when he says: 'Life is just a series of peaks and troughs. And you don't know whether you're in a trough, until you're climbing out or on a peak, until you're coming down. And that's it, you know, you never know what's round the corner... but it's all good. If you want the rainbow - you've gotta put up with the rain.' So keep up the random thoughts - they're very interesting chump. (Phil Webster)
Hola man! Here we are ! Or better, there you are and here I am.. I'm really proud of you ! Step by step you finally got what you want.. the strange thing is that you've started flying and living your new life when I would have had to start mine.. our destiny is so strange .. actually I've started a new life too.
I'm so happy that you can't ever imagine.. but the stangest thing is that you've desired so much Spain, that now you are in Delft .. In the same way I've desired so much working in english... taht I'll leave to Spain... YEAH MAN! Spain is gonna come! I'll tell you as soon as possible in a long phone call.. ;)I'me glad to be so close to you even if the distance... thank you man, your dreams are mine!
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